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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tool #11: Digital Citizenship

I have stated online safety on some of my previous tools not knowing the technical term for it.

Digital Citizenship is extremely important for our children as well as for us adults. We have learned this over time but we can’t expect our students to be entering out class already know it. As I browsed through the key points three that really popped up to me were Digital Etiquette, which refers to the conduct expected by other digital users. The second one is Digital Law, this is very important. As much as technology is helpful, it is also dangerous. Students need to know the legal rights and restrictions towards technology. Digital Literacy is the third one that caught my attention. All of these can be taught to our learners by showing examples, modeling, and informing of the benefits as well as the shortcomings of using technology. Digital Citizenship is something we need to always keep in our mind as well as our students'.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your thoughts on the importance of teaching the benefits and the shortcomings of technology. Students are not always able to recognize the dangers involved in some of the things they may be doing, so it is our job to teach this just as thoroughly as we are teaching content.
